1) Get enough information from your error email(server name and corrupted table)
2) login as yourself (using keys) – e.g. mraj
3) sudo bash ( become root user)
4) Check Table for corruption :
4a) From Command line(logged in as root)
- mysqlcheck –uroot –p[password] [databasename] tablename
4b) From inside MYSQL
- mysql -uroot –p[password]
- use [databasename];
- check table [tablename];
e.g. should give you similar output
| Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| ebms.message | check | warning | Table is marked as crashed |
| ebms.message | check | error | Found 3138852 keys of 3138848 |
| ebms.message | check | error | Corrupt |
5) Repair Table
Using MYSQL to repair the above table called 'message':
- mysql -uroot –p[password]
- use [databasename];
- mysql> repair table message
| Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| ebms.message | repair | status | OK |
1 row in set (1 min 14.83 sec)
6) Check Table again for corruption, follow step 4a or 4b.
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